Any options can be deployed from the Primitive Registry contract. There are considerations to make when deploying options.

Each option has six parameters:

underlyingToken: Standard ERC20 Address

strikeToken: Standard ERC20 Address

baseValue: For calls this should be 1e18. For puts, this is the strike price.

quoteValue: For calls this should be the strike price. For calls this should be 1e18.

expiryValue: This is the timestamp for the option to expire at.

     * @dev Deploys an option contract clone with create2.
     * @param underlyingToken The address of the ERC-20 underlying token.
     * @param strikeToken The address of the ERC-20 strike token.
     * @param base The quantity of underlying tokens per unit of quote amount of strike tokens.
     * @param quote The quantity of strike tokens per unit of base amount of underlying tokens.
     * @param expiry The unix timestamp of the option's expiration date.
     * @return The address of the deployed option clone.
    function deployOption(
        address underlyingToken,
        address strikeToken,
        uint256 base,
        uint256 quote,
        uint256 expiry
    ) external override nonReentrant whenNotPaused returns (address) {
        // Validation checks for option parameters.
        require(base > 0, "ERR_BASE_ZERO");
        require(quote > 0, "ERR_QUOTE_ZERO");
        require(expiry >= now, "ERR_EXPIRY");
        require(underlyingToken != strikeToken, "ERR_SAME_ASSETS");
            underlyingToken != address(0x0) && strikeToken != address(0x0),

        // Deploy option and redeem contract clones.
        address optionAddress = IOptionFactory(optionFactory).deployClone(
        address redeemAddress = IRedeemFactory(redeemFactory).deployClone(

        // Add the clone to the allOptionClones address array.

        // Initialize the new option contract's paired redeem token.
        emit DeployedOptionClone(msg.sender, optionAddress, redeemAddress);
        return optionAddress;

This can be called through etherscan, since theres no available interface for it quite yet.

Registry Addresses